Or if I'm like putting pressure on myself again for no reason
Next up
Blue Spheres
Weird character hidden internal changes? Yes please
Subtle foreshadowing for something that won’t come up until like months later
You’ll understand very soon
Someone wants to be petted
Benjiro (aka @BenjiroBoi ) gets very angry and becomes SSJ2, at last... at last Benjiro's fury exceeds its bounds?
Got the loading and unloading of entities in
So I can add these collectables back in, but THIS time, instead of just being "insert standard common collectable", they do have a small but significant function in the gameplay unlike before
My last drawing for now, here’s Chai! I freaking nailed it on this one, still needed to work on the arms. I guess now I can finally rest.
@BenjiroBoi for making Chai, probably one of my favorites. ☕️
It's because of the normal speed of the player, but still
levels are gonna have to be long normally, but that's a good thing where the boosting comes in, so you can at least be able to make it to the end a lot faster than without it.
Chai in different brushes, just was testing something
When he said that he’s been in the navy, the first thing that popped up in my mind was Top Gun. ._.
Boost extensions are real
The tech is gonna be CRAZY