We here at Draxx Dustun Studios are going to create official posts that'll be used as official future parody lines/dialouges in the nearest future during the official parody future events for none other then for good old Episode Twelve Part Two Only!!!!!! It is known as the official "Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos" of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! Where all official parody information, secrets, and details gathered about every JJS parody mascots are going to be recorded!!!! All from all FOUR official Twurky Terks Members!!!!! Like of course, "Reeno Haverrno", "Rurotto Mudertto" "Tsanged Tsungsoog", and of course, "Elenna Movieseen"!!!!!! And no folks, an official channel thingy or whatever is NOT going to be created of course!!!! All of these future things right here will all be featured on the official Draxx Dustun Studios channel tab thingy-thing-thang on the official Jax Justun Studios Recorder Archives Community!!!!! YEAH!!! That name speaks for itself of course!!!! We'll of course give you all some more future updates on all of that, and we'll see you all later!!!! Have a wonderful and relaxing goodnight sleep!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #TheTTMsAreAllWatchingYouAll!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!
(Here's an official example for each start-up thingy for the official "Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos" series!!! Inc case you won't all forget about here!!!!)
Start-Up Entry #1 - This is the First official parody entry of the Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! Where all official parody information, secrets, and details gathered about every JJS parody mascots are going to be recorded!!!!
Start-Up Entry #2 - This is the {official number of recorded thingy} parody entry of the Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!
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