6 months ago
I lost the project.
that is, I did not save such things as half of the 1st level, cut scenes and level loading (at least they are easy to recreate), 1 part of the pyramid level, intro, menu and a couple more cosmetic details
Next up
Текущий статус набора команды на 13.02.2025
Remember kids!
this is not floparik.
Помните дети!
это не шлёпарик.
простите но меня больше нет читайте артикул
oh damn, i forgot about game's page don't worry! The game is developing, now on clickteam!
Текущий статус набора команды на 31.01.2025
Рус:Йоу! прочитайте артикул, это очень важно! на картинке новый персонаж Eng:Yo! Read the article, it's very important! New character in the picture
Hmm.. sus