Shadic Basics

1 year ago

I love creating mods kind of this

it is so damn fun




Next up

Well, finally I updated game (mod) page to these changes👍

Also you can play that for fun

I died because of his hands, but this is simple sketch so far


Эх ребята, придется сообщить кое какую новость

Помните я когда то (хз уже когда, вроде месяц назад) говорил что снова спустя долгое время постить тут на русском

Так вот...

Уже официально, я скоро стану крейтором

Всё написано в артикле


Baldi's Basics In CHAOS

made by:

@Nick_CornWall and @TheTopHattedStickman

This image was created on 12th March 2021...

Just imagine how old for me it is...

Summer is over. The article contains almost everything I managed to do this summer.

Лето закончилось. В артикле почти всё, что я успел сделать за это лето.

Dude help, I found that cursed thing I created 4 years ago😭


Finally I learned how to make unity build playable👍

You can play and download it now for fun

Please play, if you want to

Help Wanted!!

VilleTown is currently looking for coders, voice actors, and musicians! So if you are somewhat skilled at any of those, please leave a comment, or DM me on discord! (ckd4925_)

the image is more descriptive than this, so please read it!

Lol mod is actually maybe soon will be done with general changes, but hardest part is the Shadic's design, it need to be 2D painting, so, i'll try to draw it👍💘