Something that I don't understand when it comes to UT detractors, specifically with UT/ DR fangames, is when they complain about there being furries. Such a weird and bizarre thing to be mad about when in the same game, we have furries such as:
(who is literally the first fucking character you meet, ignoring Flowey)
And more.
Now, you may be one of those people that are like "well my problem with UTY is that the main cast looks too human like!!!" which is also a stupid statement consider we also have UT/ DR characters such as:
Newsflash, but UT doesn't have a clear cut definition of how a monster should look like!!1!11! The only thing that makes monsters Monsters is them being made out of mainly magic and the fact that they have a Monster SOUL. It's free game otherwise!! We have such wonderful monster designs such as:
shayy underdeltatalerune
and more.
"b-but but you're cherrypicking!! those monsters are for random encou-" shut upppp!!! who caaaaares!! stop putting arbitrary restrictions on yourself and let yourself be a little creative!
I'd say the only concerning thing(more like a nitpick) about UTY in specific, to me at least, is that the main cast don't have enough body diversity. They're all mostly just tall, skinny sticks. That'd be a more valid complaint than "f-f-furries!!!"
Point being, design your UT/ DR OCs however you'd like. Don't let furry hate stop you. It'd be like complaining about there being queers in the queer game. Wait... what? These people also do that too..??
but anyways stay soupy!! :))