Image says Joseph is:
Hates D Sides GF
Not a furry
His dad is in world war 3
Wears swaggy jeans
Stole D Sides BF's shoes
Friends with whoever d sides whitty is
Image says Joseph is:
Hates D Sides GF
Not a furry
His dad is in world war 3
Wears swaggy jeans
Stole D Sides BF's shoes
Friends with whoever d sides whitty is
While I can't technically work on this until I get a working computer, I have renamed the mod, again.
credits for the creators of the original Kapi Mod are now here, tbh I'm happy with Paperkittys icon but not Mike Genos icon
holy shit, new title screen (also this isn't intentional but let's just say some of the text might move a bit, wasn't supposed to happen but I like it)
alright, the main menu is finished, this time the buttons are in the colors of dance-dance revolution instead of the boring white and black buttons, anyway, hope you enjoy
I was in a server, right? And all the channels were ROYAL MATCH.
silly teaser for my next video
I guess I will be the artist lmao
Lesson for today: Google Earth WILL shock you.
why is this level rated as harder???
dora moment