Image says Joseph is:
Hates D Sides GF
Not a furry
His dad is in world war 3
Wears swaggy jeans
Stole D Sides BF's shoes
Friends with whoever d sides whitty is
Image says Joseph is:
Hates D Sides GF
Not a furry
His dad is in world war 3
Wears swaggy jeans
Stole D Sides BF's shoes
Friends with whoever d sides whitty is
wocky insane is done now, here is a couple of sneak peaks.
Lesson for today: Google Earth WILL shock you.
alright, the main menu is finished, this time the buttons are in the colors of dance-dance revolution instead of the boring white and black buttons, anyway, hope you enjoy
making an insane difficulty for the mod
No Party #Joltsides
holy shit, new title screen (also this isn't intentional but let's just say some of the text might move a bit, wasn't supposed to happen but I like it)
get oble pied >:)
fun fact about the mod: insane difficulty is not canon, also here I changed the menu a bit
here is the credits menu, I'll re-do @Zev_Real's icon later
I guess I will be the artist lmao