I finally finished the map that's been taking so long.
It has about 25 events, some with multiple layers in 1 event. There's characters from other projects, there's an event where you choose what happens, and you can find a different wisp depending on this choice.
Both wisps will still be able to be found in a single playthrough; I just thought that it'd be interesting to make it where you could choose to be good or evil (this won't affect if you can complete the game. It's just to make the events less linear, and the other events with such choices also won't be lock wisps behind one choice only. there will always be at least two chances).
I also added an event where you could get recipes if you want, because of where this event is.
And finally, I've added conditions for some wisps to appear, that way they aren't just sitting around like pennies on the street. These conditions will involve choices, items, and a variety of other things.
Sorry this isn't much. I hope now that this map is done that I'll be able to get more obvious progress done. Thank you for reading through all this and being interested in my game!
Next up
All the sprites are finally done! Updates will probably be slow for a while though. I have some dentist appointments coming up, so I won't be able to focus on the game.
The entries are done! I've started doing the paper designs for the rest of them and that's going pretty fast too! I'll definitely be dropping off for a bit though. Something big is coming up that I want to focus on, so I'll be back after that
The wisps are all finally designed on paper, which was honestly the hardest block for me so far. I'll try to work on the extra details that aren't on the progress sheet in between working on the graphics and sprites.
All the sprites that I needed to hand sprite are now done! I'l be honest I was expecting those to take the longest, but here we are!
I thought I updated last week, I apologize. I've mainly been working on the ending cards, and I've been making some good progress
ALL THE MAPS (including the special secret areas) are DONE! And I've written the entries for more of the wisps, so that's the bar I'm gonna be working on filling next!
I've was able to get a lot of the rooms fully finished! A lot more are soon to be done too
I HAVE ONE OF THE LORE SPOTS BUILT WITH THEIR LANGUAGE! I swear it won't look like that in game, this is just showing the work. At first I hated that the letters didn't look as good if I kept them level, but the uneven-ness gives it a cute look i think
We're almost there, there's barely anything left to go. I'm getting excited for it. I do have some medical things to deal with next week though, so progress (and so the next update) may be delayed
I've almost completely finished all of the sprites that I needed to custom make! Honestly it was the category I was expecting to take the longest of all the resource parts. It definitely took the most focus, but here we are!
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