David: The power of music
3 months ago

I’m bored as heck and I wanna write ideas down so here’s info about the main characters of my game lol

Alr so first dude, David the main man


So he has been my oc for like 4 years at this point, originally he was bald and looked like baldi lmao (back when I sucked at designing stuff), but @Glitchnic like last year decided to be goated and like redesign him, I’ve been drawing him wrong but who cares it’s technically my oc. Or is it his now? Ok anyways

So he likes skating, spray painting, rock music, and just being kind and making friends ig. He’s childhood friends with this other main character named Lisa that I will talk about later. He has a guitar axe weapon that he uses to attack. He’s partnered with that pyrock dragon dude so he’s mainly paired with the fire element, so when he transforms all power ranger/super Sentai style like he’s red and stuff


This is like his base form so it’s basic but it does the job, there’s probably more im forgetting and there is details I’m omitting but who givesashit.

Ooook next person, jack the deer (I REALLY gotta change his name it’s so basic i feel, no hate to people named jack)


Ok so this guy was made for this game and like, he doesn’t really care a lot about things or something, also btw his outfit is a bit different now this is an old drawing (he has like baggy pants and a blue shirt with white sleeves) actually let me just put the images


I hate how iPhone deep fries my art anyways uh here’s a slightly bigger version


Iont like this drawing for some reason

Ok anyways character info: so like he lives in a cabin in the snow area of the game, David used to live there and that’s pretty much their only connection to each other. Jack used to be a kind of happy yet shy kid I think but like he eventually grew to just avoid people and not care about things anymore, things kept going wrong in his life and he thinks that nothing can ever go right so there’s no point in trying, later on he will learn to be happy again and actually try to Yknow, care. He uses a harp weapon that splits in half to become like a bladed tonfa weapon

He is paired up with that ice bird girl and like when he transforms he is ice element and gets wings from the bird, originally I just put wings because I heard of the peryton, a bird deer fusion thing and thought it would be cool. The speaker characters were and afterthought.


lol it looks like a cape

ok next character, uh I was doing these in order of when they appear in the story but Lisa and this cowboy guy named Austin are unknown in where they appear, cause I’m unsure if the fire level or the desert level is first.

ok imma just do Lisa


so funny story about this character, if I’m being real this character technically was started to be made like around the time I made David, first character I had made with hair at that time btw I wanna mention that. Basically there were 3 old characters I had, David, clone David (divad??), and this red haired girl i forgot the name of. That red haired girl was like supposed to be like part dragon or something? I think at that time I was watching that dragon maid anime, I think. Anyways long story short that girl got redesigned like 5 times and came out like this.

ok so about her: she likes building stuff, playing drums and stuff. She lives on an airship that said airship is also the shop you use in the game or whatev. Her weapon is a drum hammer (the hammer head is like a bass drum) As I said before, she is a childhood friend of David and she’s more like, rule following or something I just thought of this rn lmao, like David will be like spray painting and Lisa will just be building stuff and staying out of trouble, ig?

she’s paired with that stupid dolphin guy with the crown, I don’t got an image of her form but like it’s just like the others but with dolphin fins on her arms and boots and a dolphin tail, water element.

ok NEXT, Austin Darrel


Random image of the mole aside he’s this cowboy from dessert dunes, a candy themes western desert area. Austin likes peppermint can you tell,,,,,

Ok so he’s kinda a scaredy cat, he’s fearful of many things and would rather not fight at all but the drill mole guy pushes him to stop being a wuss. He just has a ghost watching him in the corner of his room I just wanted to note that, that ghost might become important but I’m unsure. Anyways he has a trumpet gun as you can see in the image and he personality shifts to be brave when he transforms. Speaking of that


Ok so the top one is his base form the bottom one is his final form but I’m too tired to remove it.

the design was inspired by gurren lagann, anyways I made this one more unique than the others lol. Earth element

ok last one guys, jesto


There’s a colored drawing of him somewhere but I don’t got the file, but he has like blonde hair and a mainly purple red and white color scheme. Jesto isn’t his real name it’s like a nickname, his real name is Fredrick Charles von eddy the 2nd but that sounds stupid so he just named himself after his job, a jestor duh…. Did I mention he’s British. He plays the accordion and has an accordion shield

this dudes an angry one, he’s often annoyed or wanting to fight David over something (he starts out as a boss). While he’s friends with some of the team members he just has a short temper and can lash out ig, he’s paired with that purple headphone jack girl and she is always happy to like cop with her past or whatever and she tries to make jesto cheer up and stuff, and jesto tries to tell her that being happy all the time isn’t the best thing to do.

so he and Austin look the most unique form wise idk why they just are, maybe cause I made them later, anyways here


Yeah that’s it lol

oh yea he’s elec element, I’m sure you can tell tho



Next up

making a megaman star force fangame


Sweet sweet what now

Water boss for my game he’s like poisonous or something, my friend told me to make a poison fish boss so I did exactly that

my goat

now I finally made a page for this, heres a short video of what this game kinda looks like so far

Itz bad on purpose, vro

Also that boss uses like this turntable axe thing, since this character will have like a link to the main character they like both use axes (main character uses guitar axe this guy uses turntable axe) also the main character might use this too idk

Dis my son

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