You can ask me on shouts or on the comments with a photo of your OC/character!

Will not do:

Nsfw/porn. (Ew)

Oc killing another Oc/hate art. (Please dont.)


Will do:

Oc/character x Oc/character (cannon or not idc-)

Gore (I'll allow it as long as it's not too exaggerated)

Gifts for other people (I'll make sure this one is super special!!111!1)

Your OC/any characters! (Duh)

Art trades (if you want ofc-)


I have a tendency of not wanting to get paid for my art because I don't really like that- (it's free-)

But I'll appreciate it anyway if I get something in exchange! (Joltbux items or art!)



Next up

If you know you know.

Done in five mins!! 😎👌


It was fun drawing ur oc!!

(GO follow em!)

Rough sketch of a spy loadout i made.

more progress!! :D

Steve from mincate 😨

(Art trade with @BOXZEE from minecate)

@DLAndCheems !!


Chat I have art block.. 😔😔

I don’t know

me: im going on a diet!

also me: