Undertale Yellow Colorized Mod.
4 months ago

I’m gonna finish the intro probably after my short break but all in all give me your comments I want to hear in your own words to new followers as well as the 90 I have to tell me what you all think of the mod thus far 🙂

Thank you all again btw! Hopefully some of my posts could get featured eventually lol.



Next up

Well we did it we have over 100 downloads so what’s next

should i continue colorizing what i can of Nihilism and when i am done showcase what i could at the end of my playthrough of the unfinished version of the game? here is a icon of flowey and frisk finished so far too :D

yay or nay with the shade?

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

We finally have a video of the hr era build :D thank you @Rockmanslayer


haha silly me i forgot to show the pacifist Version Of The Axis Fight please give this love cause man i am exhausted...

so finalized colorized chara face sprite!

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

So it’s true huh… neat.