The contest:
Using all both images, I request a piece of FNF coverart.
The prize:
If @Idklol18472 is up to it, the winner will receive a cover of their choice using their chromatic (IF THE WINNER HAS ONE)
If not, the winner will get an avatar frame of their choice.
The references:
Image 1:
The Concept
Image 2:
What you're working with.
What goes on the pipe in the front (closest to us/the bottom): Nightmare BF facing towards the back
When this contest started: When this post came out
When this contest ends: TODAY, 9 PM EST
How you are able to draw it: You may draw them in any style you want! Just be sure to not deviate from instructions.
Why I am doing this: Because @ULTIMATE-KN0CKOUT and @N1GHTMARE-SANS are close to 1K, and we need a 1K special fully prepared for them!