
4 years ago

I'm slowly finishing the Kickstarter doc. Meanwhile we're making new trailer. We'll launch the campaign somewhere next month.

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Next up

We're done with most of formal Kickstarter stuff. Next week KS update: latebacking + surveys +some special translation announcement! πŸ‘€

3 days past since the release of Oddventure demo. We are waiting for your comments. Join us on Oddventure discord channel! :D


Β "Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good sense of humor ENLIGHTENS the weak with some jokes in the valley of darkness, ribbit-ribbit." Kickstarter update!…

KICKSTARTER UPDATE! A lot of work with the story, the interactions and stuff! We want to make Oddventure feel more alive and interactive. Also some cursed-images-like enemies inc! More in the update. ^^…

Do you like dark undertones in RPGs? More of them and some spooky stuff coming with the rest of Oddventure. #screenshotsaturday Wishlist Oddventure on Steam:

We continue the tradition of cursed-images-like enemies Freeesh Kickstarter update: #screenshotsaturday

Hiya! I'm trying to choose new background pic for my game's profile. Which one looks best in your opinion? Thanks for feedback!

7 days left! Let's grab that third Stretch Goal, Oddventurers! α•™(⇀‸↼•)α•—

You can support us here:


I'm so happy because StayAtHomeDev made a YouTube video including us. If you want to support Oddventure you can vote for the game by making a comment under the video about picking game no. 2! Every vote counts. Thx. ^^

Do you like old-style posters? I hope you do as I was inspired by George Lucas's vision of it