6 months ago

I'm sorry guys for not posting that match lately bad because it was my birthday you can type in the comments what should i make and put on my desk wol have the most likes Will be the one wol have the idea to be maked good luck



Next up

Thank you @Megafrostbear soso much for the stikers and ewrythyng

Little spoiler ???😶😶

Day 2

Thank you guys so much you mean to me all Most everything i'm sorry i have not thankt you guys sunner but i had some complications but i houp u don't mind but agen thank you guys So much for everything also byg thanks for @Megafrostbear for making this id

Thank you so much @Megafrostbear for every sticker pack you have given me

Thank you so much @FreddyNice for the sickerpack

Day 1 of looking at my gifts if someone donated

Thank you so much @Megafrostbear sorry i sorry wasn't quicken of the screenshot the blood one

Just a little doodle in Rec room that I made Sorry @Megafrostbear For making you bad