The Dark Puddles (Bendy fangame) [WIP / Slow Development]
2 years ago

I'm still here.
Quick update on the game's development (Slightly update, 9/24/23):

Hey everybody, let me start this off by saying the game is NOT dead, or cancelled, or WHATEVER.

Sorry for disappearing out of nowhere right after I dropped the (now old) production trailer for the game. Right after I dropped the trailer, things began to change in my life for the worst and better. But I'm not really going to be talking about that this time. What I am going to talk about is the game's current state, how long you guys should expect for the game to come out, if I plan to continue the game when I finally release the first chapter of the game, etc. Let's start.

What's going on with the game's production right now?

Right now the game's current state has been pretty...dead. Why? It's mostly because I have slowly lost interest in continuing with the project, and because every time I work on it I say to myself, is this the best I can do? It's just frustrating to say the least. But even after all of that, there is still a huge part of me that wants me to continue this project. Ever since I first began working on this, my intention was to make this as best as it can be for Bendy Fans all over the world, I know this may sound a little over dramatic but it's true. I love this franchise, I love this weird and wacky world, there is just so much you are capable of doing with it...but as I say that I realize, that's actually one of my main problems with this game's production. I am the ONLY one working on it, besides some of my friends helping me with some art, music, and just ideas ofc. And sadly even though I want to learn how to make models, music, textures, etc. I can't seem to do it, when I try, for me at least it always just comes off looking/sounding horrible. I have been wanting to ask more people for help but, I still haven't decided. And honestly I don't have the courage to ask people for help, it just seems odd to me to say the least.
Besides all of that, I have a fairly good story for the game's plot, and some pretty interesting character/environment designs. I also have a bit of the game's level a lil finished but not truly finished. Plus I been wanting to do something for a while now which is the following question.

Will the game be made in Unity or Unreal Engine?

Let me start by saying yes I have heard about the new rule that Unity has put out, but don't worry that wasn't going to affect me or the game. Since (according to what I read), the rule only affected developers who's games you have to pay for, if that makes sense. And besides I been thinking on switching to Unreal Engine 5 for the longest period of time.
Why you may ask? well it's mostly because I feel that Unreal Engine is much more organized than Unity, and I have heard from friends that UE has more capabilities other than Unity. But I still need to look into that since I haven't messed around with UE that much. But yes, it's most likely that I will switch to Unreal Engine because I feel it might be better for the game's development and because I'm not liking Unity's current decisions lately but this is a super maybe I am still uncertain with my decision.

How will you handle the game's development?

I've been thinking of showing screenshots, teasers, or just behind the scenes footage of me working on the game for when I think there has been a decent amount of progress done with the game's development, or If I have created something that I like a lot, I will let you guys know either way.

My main priority right now is school sadly and I will hopefully work on the dark puddles in my free time. I say hopefully because a lot of the time I either have to do family stuff or I'm just not in the mood to work on it. Other than I think this game is not going to come out anytime soon, I say I see it coming out around the end of 2024 or mid 2025.

Do you have any plans on continuing the dark puddles when you finish chapter one of it?

You would expect me to continue a game that is chapter based but honestly I don't think I will. I of course have plans for next chapters but I just don't think this game is going to become that popular for me to want to continue it. When chapter one of the game comes out I am going to make the ending of the chapter feel like an actual ending but I'm also going to make it feel like, there's more to come if that makes sense. I'm going to do that just in case a miracle happens and the game does good, gets a lot of popularity, and I end up wanting to continue it.

And finally, we are done.

Thank you so much for reading if you did, and hopefully I answered some questions you might have had.

I wanted to thank you all for sticking with this game's stupid development throughout the years, and I want to thank the Meatly for, after years finally clearing up the whole if you make a bendy fangame it's getting deleted situation, and letting bendy fans go crazy with their wild creations!

If you have any questions regarding the game, feel free to ask! :)

Goodbye and goodnight.




Next up

It's real, It's happening.

The official in production trailer/teaser for "The Dark Puddles" has finally dropped.


The game's thumbnail image has been changed and here's an update on its development:

Thing will come out today but late. Thank you for your patience.

Brand new screenshots have been added to the page. (Note that some screenshots may be old or unfinished!)



12/21 [Putting this so you guys know but this is NOT a release date for the game, it's basically a small trailer for the game]

The past and present.

The video is taking longer than expected to upload so I had to change the date to tomorrow April 15th at 8AM EST. Very sad this happened since I really wanted the video to come out 414 :(

Today I’m going to start redoing/importing some levels that were done in Unity to Unreal Engine, wish me luck!