The Fields Of Hell
11 months ago

I'm......... taking a break

1 comment


Next up

⚠️ATTENTION⚠️ THE FIELDS OF HELL HAS HIT HEAVY PRODUCTION!!! THE TEAM IS BOUTA START GRINDING!!! LETS GOO BOIS!!! *follow the community and game page for more announcements! Consider my discord server and the website to 😉 thecanons.webadorsite.com

21 days til my birthday

Fina do something tomorrow and ever other day but here is your announcement

The rerun is awesome

Yeah I don't have anything besides the pic sooooooo.....

New PFP for the re-run

The opening to The Fields Of Hell All 14 entries with Text to speech and a cool ending!

I got a PS5

20 days til my bday

trophy icon out of the pixel art oven (designed for tfoh not roltycore 2)

Remember when I was pulling this bull shit

It was a troll the whole time btw 😁

I was just looking through my drafts and found this and remembered this

Almost done


Remember to join the game page and promote people to join using the hashtag, #TFOHontop for your contribution to count 😁
