4 years ago

I made a Among Us Red Boss in Minecraft!

/summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"\"Red\"",CustomNameVisible:1,Health:50,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.maxHealth",Base:50},{Name:"generic.followRange",Base:95},{Name:"generic.knockbackResistance",Base:1f},{Name:"generic.movementSpeed",Base:1.6f},{Name:"generic.attackDamage",Base:40}],Silent:1,HandItems:[{},{id:"minecraft:iron_sword",tag:{display:{Name:'{"text":"Knife"}',Lore:['{"text":"This is used by the Imposters to Kill Crewmates"}']},Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:5}]},Count:1}],HandDropChances:[0F,2F],ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:leather_boots",tag:{display:{color:16711680}},Count:1},{id:"minecraft:leather_leggings",tag:{display:{color:16711680}},Count:1},{id:"minecraft:leather_chestplate",tag:{display:{color:16711680}},Count:1},{id:"minecraft:glass",Count:1}]}



Next up

What do you do in this situation?

No one:

Girls with Photoshop:

Minin' away....I don't know what to mine I'll mine this anyway in this Minecraft day...


Adds Randomly spawning Mingebags (You can't spawn then your yourself), lots of fun. Beautiful addon, but a little Terrifying because they spawn at randomly. (Two Screenshots of a Mingebag in my game)

@RaleDesign is a Jolter to Watch! They post great Minecraft builds and designs! Follow them before the quest ends on November 19 and you'll get Coins!

Well, you got away into a safe room, this may not be the last time to see Mario.

Minecraft Pillar Designs Collection

The Fuck