You can use this to encrypt a text and turn each letter to a 2digit number and turn the number into a text again. Why? Well, if you want to store texts in cloud variables this will be necessary. Cloud variables only allow numbers.
Next up
New highly improved lense flare for my 3D SPACE Game
Sup! I've been working on a Split-Screen Tile Engine.
Left: mine Right: reference
I've just finished a drawing (paper and pencil) for my art class (high school).
guys! what should i add here
i'm really struggling to add something else here
I made a Scratch ASSET Dump. Most Assets you can even preview in browser before you want to download them.
I completely remade saturn (to save performance, add shadow and generally better graphics).
I added Saturn. It laggs when recording but without recording I didn't have any laggs. I hope I'll find some other performance fixes in the future.
Evolution of Benjiro's Vector since I started working on it honestly I'm super content with his current look and I don't think I'm even gonna change it any further
Christmas bamfyu vs normal bamfyu