Who's next?

I make this Draw of the new GameMode "Hold The Trophy".
That's my 1st Brawl Stars Draw, I hope you like it <3
Next up
I started the Chica BS Pins!
But I can't publish before have 100 likes in the Bonnie Pins.
Pls, help me to reach it ;)
Bonnie BS Pins!
I started with an another technic of draw, I hope you like it <3
100 likes for Chica BS Pins!
Ok, Chica BS Pins :)
I hope you like it, I tried to make an different pins this time. And Carl's Pins too ;)
Tomorrow new Brawl Talk!
New Legendary Brawler for the Superheros Trio!
finished Tara art and oml I actually really like it
there’s like, exactly the right amount of sparkles
it looks awesome
the second photo was my reference :)
- - - - -
time: like almost 2 hours
programs: kleki & ibis paint x
Guys! Sorry for inactivity!
This Weekend I will can't post anything, sorry ;(
The cause of my inactivity it's: EXAMS. I have had 3 exams this Week :(
Halloween Update is coming to GameJolt!
I'm very hyped for this!
Community: Supercell don't make more robot Brawlers
Skin Bibi RJ for the contest. :D
Sister Location BS Pins! 🤩
With a draw of Funtime Endoskeleton and Bonnet!😁
I hope you like it, I make it for the Siter Location 5th Anniversary the last Week 🥰