2 years ago

I managed to make a full thing after a little while. Hope you enjoy! Free download here: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1165242



Next up

Linux :)

I'm about to fucking launch a nuke into the hq of my Internet provider. WHAT IS THIS!? IT'S 2024 AND YOU GET THESE UPLOADSPEED RESULTS? (Especially if you're a streamer, you're just fucked) (Then again, austrian internet is a total joke anyways)

Shotguns, pft

I have composed this song!! What do you think?

Random extreme demon-y layout thingy I threw together cause I had nothing better to do :P (Knowing me, this is most likely not gonna be a finished layout because I suck at finishing things, soooo xd)

I made this song in honor of my recently dead cat. I composed it while I was crying with a lot of inner anxiety. The song is called "Lorca", which was the name of my poor kitten. I hope you like it...

Made some random layout again. Turned out to be pretty good imo lol.

Did something synthwavy (If you can even still call this "Synthwave") and fucking hell do I love the bass in this :O

I have made this song quite sad... What do you think of it?

Tryin' to make a level in 2.2. Focused on music sync, gameplay and sightreadability. Still very WIP and only a layout as of now.