2 years ago

I might cancel KATMC. It's a bad idea for a game, the storyline is lazy, I don't have motivation, it's just gonna be a terrible game with 5% of effort put into it.

I wanted this to be a cool, unique idea, and it may work for a Kirby game, but is just a bad idea. I mean, it did introduce a new (?) character, but it's more of a filler for zachyboimaker (the new character is zachyboimaker clone) and it just sounds like a bad game in general. I suck at art, music and all those stuff and I feel like I should just cancel all my games apart from E&Z.



Next up

Colours Ultimate Sonic in Sonic Generations!

spoopy the hagegode on goodly centered draiwingggggg!!!!!!!!111 #SonicFriday


A very quick and silly Kirby doodle I made in Inkscape while experimenting with a tablet setup; thought he was too silly not to share.

I've been using Inkscape for about 15 years, but have never bothered with the tablet features until now.

: Inkscape

#Classic #Knuckles and Speed Jungle arrived in Sonic Speed Simulator today. Personally, I think this update is really cool, coming from someone who has anticipated Sonic Superstars' launch since the first trailer. What do you think of the update?

Never give me Bomb in Kirby Fighters 2

Things will go nuclear :3

flying cream the rabbit

Any Spongebob Simulator players here? Although I'm not a Spongebob fan, I kind of enjoy the game. Anyways, here's some icon leaks. It looks like we'll be getting a summer-like update soon?

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Kirby!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

Sonic Generations - Aquarium Park Mod Gameplay