3 years ago

I post this on Twitter, I'm posting this here

(Expect for the last part)

Do you realize how incredible it is that I'm still nice to people? Like, people have f**ked me over. People have broke my heart, have literally made me so angry, stabbed me in the back, yet I'm still kind. I still give a f**k about people. I'm different. People get act out of anger, people like gets revenge. And I sit here, still choosing to be kind to people? Still willing to go out of my way for people!

Don't ever think that your kindness is bad thing.

The only bad thing is the people you choose to give your kindness too.

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Next up

Whelp Twitter is dying because of the stupid baby that is called "Elon Musk" so if Twitter dose actually dies I'm coming back here and hopefully bring some or maybe all of my followers from Twitter to here, I just hope Game Jolt has a Japanese option

Sorry for using Japanese text. I couldn't fit my original text in GJ text limit. Use DeepL for translation




I finally won on the hardest difficulty. Now, time to do this again but with an extra character I need to find in the cameras

Finally I Finished DDLC Mobile.....

I was so close to winning, but I was going to die anyways. Because I didn't deal with a character, that I need to shine a flashlight them on.

To add insult to injury, I got an achievement called "Mega F". Die within 15 seconds of winning the night.

This is a sudden announcement

I was going for a speedrun achievement in the game Stray, and I fell out of bound

(Ignore the timer. The times I made got mess up, when porting them over to the laptop I was playing on)

This is 14 hours of progress, but there is still much to do.

(During the recording, I forgot to show a small part of my factory) (This is 2 time speed, that is the Japanese text translate too) (This was from a week ago as well)

mmmmm anime thighs🖤🤍

Why is this stupid baby that is called Elon Musk doing this? X doesn't sound cool name, it just sound like a weird p*rn website