4 years ago

i posted this in the pixel art community, so I'm gonna post it here too.



Next up

hey gang, i reuploaded a view i uploaded a few hours ago but took down, anywho here's the reupload: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRT9C5bLJMo hope you enjoy it.

here's some new megaman fan artwork i made, i call it mega man roll call

hey just felt like letting people know i decided to redesign the plasma girl logo, i'll do the old vs new thing so in that case, what do you think of it?

Another more levels have been reviewed and this time its group H's turn.

Here are some of the group H levels:

sorry for the lack of posting i have stuff going on right now, anywho here's a prototype of a character i may make a game for later down the line. (CONCEPT DESIGN 1)

The Boss system is ready.

A Sound test in the beginning.


happy Christmas eve everyone, image unrelated

i think i might've over done it in the honey department.

The Dialogue update is now in Sprite's Honor!

There's so much to learn about the fairies on Isle Fae through conversation!

So what are you waiting for? Head over to the early access of Sprite's Honor on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2861360/Sprites_Honor/

any who before signing off tonight, here's a preview of the comic i'm working on.