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Just released a Demo Test for mobile!
there are things missing to the build but ill add it in the full version enjoy! (also report bugs btw)
concrete boobs
Hi guys, we got a new release for a new android remake, hope you still remember it lol..
Something scary happened today, A person who was roaming around the elementary school and giving free milk tea is putting poison in it! someone accepted the drink then died in the hospital a few hours ago, poor dude. Just a little awareness heads up.
The Full Version Of The First Game On mObile Has Been Released! (yeah sry i keep deleting the demos they were really buggy lol) Jesus this took me 8 hours to make, Make sure to report bugs, enjoy!
Remastered port in progress (:
its been a few weeks…
The Nights At Pizzahouse Saga is now all ported to android devices, please report some bugs if occured. Many thanks! and happy mobile gaming! (+New Hotifxes)..
Kid begs for a fnas mm android port (emotional)