Five Nights At Freddy's 4 Remake

6 years ago

I released today a demo version. Deadline when I finish the final version, I think June 30th. Right now there is a complete test of the scripts and animations. I am also trying to make a very good artificial intelligence to make it harder to play.



Next up

The main part of the game is 78% ready. I can say for sure that the game will be released soon. I am now trying to make the most good models. And correct the shortcomings in the game, if I find them of course.

First attempt at making a Sunset Shimmer model. (Just why not)

First tests of FNAF 4 Remake on the Meta Quest 3S helmet

A location that may or may not be included in the game. Depends on my strength and finances.

So! Update! The game has updated graphics! And the New Android version, but so far without a plot in 3D.

We are preparing an update for the mobile version and an update for the PC!

We are preparing a large-scale demo update!

Version 1.1.0

Bugs fixed, defense improved, AI improved and more playable. The size of the game has become much smaller.

Further updates:

Strike behind the enemy's back.

Tutorial. Android version.

We are still preparing the update, but the update makes the game much better than it is now. We are currently removing bugs.

This is what I'm working on right now.