Item #: SCP-500-A
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-500-A is to be placed inside of a container inside Dr. ███'s office in order to prevent personnel from grabbing an instance of SCP-500-A without authorization.
Description: SCP-500-A is a regular apple that appears to have been taken from a common apple tree. Upon being consumed, the subject will have any disease cured within an instant. SCP-500-A was created when Mobile Task Force Foxtrot Unit 1 placed SCP-500 and an apple into SCP-████, which caused the two to be fused into one anomalous object that appears to work faster than the regular SCP-500.
Addendum 500-A-01: On ██/██/20██, 2 Chaos Insurgency units had broken into Dr. ███'s office during a site-wide containment breach and stolen 10 of the 15 SCP-500-A instances. As of now, 3 trained Facility Guard units are to remain outside the door of Dr. ███'s office to prevent this from happening again.
Addendum 500-A-02: On ██/██/20██, the container holding the SCP-500-A instances had mysteriously disappeared from Dr. ███'s office.