Today me and my older brother went to Tropical Smoothie and we had a heck of a fun time. It really reminded me how sometime good things happen and someday they will be over, but I know that me and my brother even 20 years from now will still go to Tropical Smoothie whenever we want to. Thats just how our relationship works
Now on the topic of unimportant personal thingie majigs, I am having WAY WAY WAY too much fun making camera renders for Forgotten Nights. I already made the stage, which you guys have seen, but I made a camera for the Entryway as well. I should probably just say that I am having fun making renders in general, because I have plenty of fun 3D modeling things and texturing them and rendering them for the game!
Now, no new system without its... kinks. Me and my brotherkalss ksamsdfj (Sorry my dog jumped on me) *ahem* Me and my brothers a long time ago would play this game in our basement called "The Red Meats", which was where an animatronic (I dont remember which one) would try to eat us, but at 6:AM Toy Freddy would bust through the door and say "What are you doin? Dont eat the Red Meats! The GOOD MEATS!" and would save us from the animatronic. We would have to hide under tables and beside couches to hide from the animatronics. What fine days those were But I might make that my next FNaF fangame after Forgotten Nights and/or FNaF: UM. It brings back good memories, and it would be a heck of a ton of fun for me to try and recreate those good memories into my own game. I'll have to do it sometime!
Anyway, thanks for reading todays article! I probably will forget to make one tomorrow!! Bye!