Welcome to the 4th devlog of NMG! (and probably the most important one, beacuse in the end, I will show you the new SOUL!
Like ValenTale, all the sprites are finished, so need to talk about sprites.
In music were doing well, we just need 2 more songs of 5, and I will release the music only when its all finished.
Here were not bad, but we need to finish some things in the game, but we will finish really soon...
Well, its time to show all of you the new SOUL!
Everyone welcome the...

What did you do to the soul?
-You... Absorbed it?
-(Barks Affirmatively)
-Then... what do we do?
-Ok then...
So... Annoying dog and I decided that I will reveal the Soul in the next devlog beacuse he cant eject the soul right now...
so... we gotta wait some time...
Well, thats it for Devlog 4, See ya on next post!