6 months ago

I should probably write an explanation before things get out of hand.

First off, I'm not a pedophile. Every one in the quare server is around the same age group, not going to classify the ages, but I made that clear around them. So calling me a pedophile isn't the right word, so I guess predator can work.

Second off, I know I've been gay around @quareofficial and stuff and I know this time I carried it a little overheaded.

I don't know what it is but there's this adrenaline rush every time I post something and I get called out for it in the GC.

Yeah I agree that going on @ValleyPartner and cursing out aquare was a little too much and I will delete the posts as soon as I can.

Also QFtM doesn't actually suck, it's cool that you're doing a project/fan game.

P.S before I continue (yes I have more to say) I should probably point out THIS ISN'T EMPATHY POINTS I SWEAR, nor is this an APOLOGY. So I am not asking to be friends with the OG's again, I'm just here to firmly point out that I am not a pedophile/predator.

To @jaxonweston I've been trying to refrain from talking about your father but things went to hard yesterday and I just cracked. Me personally I don't know what it's like, but since it's not a weakpoint for you and you can live with it, that's good. Just don't self harm or anything it's NOT worth it.

I know this argument may just make things worse or potentially get bullied for it but, you gotta do what you gotta do to when you're being called a pedophile.

Please read my taking a break post as it explains why I acted the way I acted.

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cubecraft lol

there's no need for violence!


(read article)

did anyone get this same update or is it just me /srs

just to be clear for the idiots, yes, i completed both chapters. i have no idea what those stars are.


Hi everyone! This is the official Basketball Clicker "Christmas 2024" OST video.

Take a listen! Or take a watch! Or take BOTH!

What is YOUR guy's valentine? I know I don't have one (currently).

Car crash

hey guys remember this?