(🔧Working on Update3⚙️) 🍩Fun Times at Homer's🎈- (FNaF Parody)
2 years ago

I somewhat expected I would end up writing this, and yeah, I am just going to do that due to the whole "v2 bad boohoo"

if you are part of the people who complains about the update, might want to check this. lol

This is allot of text yes, but I REALLY want to explain why I made these changes to be as clear as possible as people seem to be just thinking I made these changes to make the game purposely bad or something. So bare with the many text and possible grammatical issues, I am not going to use perfect English here, I just want people to know why v2 is the way it is.

Ok so FTaH1 had the v2.0 update (with is not the first time the game gets updated with changes to the game), and for some reason this new update caused some ruckus that has been extending until today (with is funny to me since this is just a FNaF fan game, you can beat this in one day and move on) and it seems all the dislike for this update is actually coming from people who aren't even in my community, with makes me question if they hate the update because of the changes, grudges, or simply will spite anything, even a different wall color.

Anyways, yea, you get the idea. People are unhappy with the update, not many, but enough were I want to write this post. I am going to list here all the changes from the latest version that people seem to have grudges against and explain why I made these changes so maybe these people can understand why I made these changes and stop crying about it, so let's start.

replacement of the cn exclusives

Yeah, this is the most common goto when they want to complain about the update. "The game is too easy without them" "the game loses it identity without them". Well, I have quite a few reasons why I replaced them.

The cn exclusives were nothing but one of the many tests I did. The FTaH series is not a stranger for trying different things, and cn exclusives were one of them. Personally, the idea flopped. "But nick the cn exclusives were the coolest thing about ftah!", and that is actually a good reason why I removed them.

They were overrated, overshadowing everything else. When Homer's 2 was being made people would say "add toys and withered versions of the ftah1 custom night exclusives!", during ftah3 hype people would say "add the ftah1 custom night exclusives as phantoms since they are uncanon it would make sense!", and I bet if I didn't make this change and got into Homer's 4 people would had bothered me about nightmares too. The cn exclusives were too overrated for their own good, overshadowing the main game, with completely ruined them for me, they were meant to be just there on the background for fun, not mainline characters.

Their replacement making the game too easy. Ok, most people complained they were too hard to deal with, and now that I made the whole thing more bearable, it's a issue? lmao. This is something I have noticed about people who complains, for them is a issue either way. If I keep them, complain I made it hard. If I remove them, complain I removed them. I personally HATED how they were major mechanics once you reached the cn, the simptronics turned completely obsolete at the cn, and meanwhile the items(will talk about it later) is a major reason why that happened, the cn exclusives caused it. They are the reason the simptronics were so dam easy in the main nights and jokes during cn! at one point I was planning to only nerf them, but at that rate I just went for the replacement because of the whole overrated thing. Their removal allowed me to make the simptronics to show more of their potential, and make the game actually feel like a FNaF1 Parody. Plus, the new mechanics are easy on purpose. They are built that way to help the simptronics to be more of menaces, this is what I wanted the cn exclusives to be in the first place.

And finally. If you like many characters and chaos, play FTaH2.


Ok I am going to start of by being happy the "where is hugo" people sort of stopped, but still appear here and there, and yea, time to properly explain his removal.

Meanwhile being overrated played a key reason for his replacement, it's a mix. Hugo was a canon character so in theory it should of not mattered. But Hugo was never meant to be a big deal. He would of had never came back in the series, being a one time thing. And like the cn exclusives, people would ask me to bring him back in every game, with during ftah2, people came around to be kind of harsh to the idea ftah2 might not have a Hugo character before it released. Maggie had this issue too, people were also very mad after not finding Maggie in the trailer, but Maggie was in FTaH2 right? well, let's explore the difference with Maggie and Hugo.

Fitting their roles. The FTaH characters have roles reflected from the FNaF characters, homer is freddy, bart is bonnie, lisa is chica, marge is foxy, maggie is cupcake, now who is hugo? he cant be foxy, marge is foxy. Well, hugo was meant to be endo01. But his design resembled foxy too much where he was seen as a foxy, with lead to people worshiping him (at least how I see it). Hugo was stealing the role of a character meanwhile not properly reflecting it, ftah lacked a endo01, and hugo was hogging that spot meanwhile he clearly was a foxy character design wise. Maggie comes back because she is the cupcake. Hugo was removed because he failed to be an endo. Yupoo does what hugo didn't, be a spare endo of another character, with makes the endo, an endo.

And if you like broken Bart with a different name, Old Barto.

Vent Section

Uh... Ok, I did not expected I would make people upset I removed it? I mean, people would always complain about the idea of A LITTERAL COUCH ENTERING VENTS from how unrealistic it was and how it was just a drag to play making the whole generator section too long. But yea, some people just loves complaining, I guess? I am just very surprised people complained about this, due to how people would constantly complain about it being a thing.

New Minigames

Not sure if people are complaining about this one, but I will just mention for the sake of it. Yea the game have new minigames after the nights, with the donut minigame remains. But there are new ones that are more fun like, and not trying to be scary, well, ftah1 is not exactly a game trying too hard to be horror, there's like one ghost in the place and that's it, lol. I can understand that the new minigames are hard to understand, but I plan to make them have a better explanation screen in a future update.

Office with Pink walls

ooomaga the office walls are PINK making the game 100% les scary :(((((( noooooo i prefer GRAY walls GRRRR! ok the fact people even complained a place meant to look friendly actually looking friendly was a bad thing is freaking hilarious, I don't even know what to say tbh xd i guess i can see what i can do???

the placement of the extra cameras

I swear some people come up with the most crazy reasons why the new update is worse, i mean, wow the extra monitors are on the ceiling, omg so unplayable, lmao

Items being less Overpowered

I heard some complain the items can come as obsolete now, like extra TVs not being as OP as before, and all that stuff. Uh, maybe its because the game is actually balanced now? I mean, people Are complaining the game is too easy now, I am pretty sure making the items remain as OP as they were before would not help, at all. And the game is still a FNaF1 parody, I don't think grinding for upgrades was a major aspect of FNaF1. The reason the items were OP in the first place was from how unbalanced the cn exclusives were, and now the problem was solved, the items now serves as more ways to play than a must have.

Light system being "weird"

Well, FTaH have a panel in the middle of the office that have all the buttons in one place, that caused the issue where you had to press the button And look at the door, it was pretty inconvenient. So my solution was to make the camera face the door once you used the light, it was very simple to use, but people kind of didn't like it because it felt too different. I mean, I can still see what I can do without sacrificing the panel with the buttons thing, but I Really do not want to revert it back to the old way, as it is just very inconvenient.

I think that are all the complaints people toss around when saying FTaH used to be good and new version bad bla bla bla. Well, here is why I made the changes and why I am not reverting them back, and I will NOT repost older versions. I want to look forward, find ways to make the game better. If I trap myself with old versions I just won't be able to explore new things and make the games still feel fresh even after full release. And I think my choice deserves respect due to how this is nothing but a passion project that is entirely free you know?

Meanwhile I am fully aware some changes would make people mad, It were things I was simply not happy with. "it made the game original" excuses for telling the older versions are better just don't make sense because the game never said it was entirely built to be original, its a parody, being original is not my main goal. And keep in mind, FTaH1 v2 is not planned to be the last version. At one point I want to come back for a v3, so I am still looking forward to make the game even better. SO please, just stop complaining about older versions, and try to cope with the changes, and maybe even support future content, because complaining is easy, but none of these individuals really seemed to had done much for the series. I am open for feedback as long as I am not presented the same subject for the 214618245214th time or presented in a harsh way.

I was kind of holding myself from making this post as I knew it would be super long and yea, these tends to be "fun" to read. But people till this day complains about the new version, so much where they completely forgot about ftah3 with is pretty funny lol, and honestly, I just wanted to say what I did just to explain why these changes were made and how I personally feel people are just mad because it's different. So if you read what I had to say, thank you.

And for the record, this is not a "rant" or anything like that, I just wanted to explain the changes in the most detailed way I could so people could consider stopping to be so mad at the new version, all the changes had a reason, and I think these people just fail to see these reasons, once they really look at how these changes are only made to improve the experience and compliment the new content maybe they can enjoy the game instead of having to resort to complain the walls are pink.

Oh, one more thing before I end this post. I am not saying people are wrong because they don't like FTaH. Sometimes they can come as unreasonable when hating on the series, but I don't want anyone going after anyone here, I am not giving out names and stuff like that. So please, Don't take this as a reason to go after people.



Next up

Fun Times at Homer's 1 (Update3) teaser

Well honestly I just wanted a excuse to draw the "mysterious" character in the back, lol.

This would go hard as a wallpaper tbh

gracey drops her snambwitch

happy birthday @LuigiGuy

Currently working on FTaH1 Update3.

Here we can see a sketch of one of the cutscenes we will get!

Yupoo is finally getting a proper introduction ^^

Silence, hugo is sad. It was supposed to be him instead of Bart🍩

Wanted to post something since I've been a few days without posting-

Made this art because I was in the mood to make some neat character cards of my sonas

Finally, proper FTAH talk from me


[Also, if memory serves correctly, Cyborwave also said "This should last until they get home"]

(This has been in my drafts for ages)

Wanted to do some 3D work so i remade @Santaslittledonut 's fan art of my ocs in 3D and animated!

They make some very fun art and recommend checking them out! ^w^

hello i am gomer gimpson and i wish you good night and many gonuts for you all

Be strong toast guy 😞✊🍞

happy weekend everyone