4 years ago

I think It would be a great idea put a vessel of Dream and Nightmare



Next up

The truth:

The playtime co. toy factory was also an horfanate, and analized every child's habilities trough the game station.

The factory experimented whit the horfanate kids that passed all the tests and they were all turned to toys... Awfull but true...

Exp. 1222 observations:

Mommy long legs is really inteligent at the point she can comunicate whit us trough talking exactly like a human... She has the habilities to change her face drasticly and streech all her extremities 100 foot long.

She was a pain.

About the flower.

We discoverd that the flower is the Poppy doll, she promised she would help us scape but she betrayed us at the last second, she wants to bring the factory to the old times... Guess we are stuck here for a while...

❤ DONTFORGET - February 2025 Mini Status Update ❤

(Read inside for a look at some of the new spells and improvements to the party member system coming in v2.8.0, and the changelog for the new v2.7.14b patch!)

I was kicked out of the livestream STAY AWAY from playtime co. Community after Huggy Wuggy jumpscared me, Poppy told me to leave but i dont know what to do!!! Please help me.

Don't Forget x Gravity Falls (original idea by @HighFlyer and @RedmanGame )

Observations CH2

Exp. 1006: The prototype

Status: Unknow

We know he is very intelligent.

Exp. 1170: Huggy Wuggy

Status: Unknow

We have confirmed that he is really obedient.

Exp. 1222: Mommy long legs

Status: Dead

The prototype took her body.

Open case! The letter case

Recently some youtubers got a letter from an annonymous to their mom and got an IP that is addresed to a FTP server which we can't access into 'cause we dont have username and password.

Got any ideas of what should we use?

just a series of group photos pictured today.(>^ω^<)

art comission.