This was not a joke.
Unfortunately, due to outside forces (and very personal stuff happening with Vampy's life, which halted progress), this was indefinitely shelved. It is unlikely (now, anyway) that we will pick this back up again. It was gonna be really funny though, but these things happen!
I will say, though, that this was meant to tie up some loose ends to the PTwP story I felt that needed to be tied. We had plans to introduce a new human character- and elaborate on things that I felt needed to be done. An epilogue, if you will. There are still plans for this but I know I can think of better ways to show it.
The game was starting production at a time that is (very much still) affecting me horribly from a mental standpoint, and I don't think I'm in the right headspace to work on new projects right now, evidently anyway. This would have been fun though, but very absurd if you're asking me. But I think a game like PTwP helps that more than it should.
Happy April Fools, though! Make sure to joke around with some friends today. I hope to have something to show you all soon :)
And, as a little bonus (and apology), I do feel the need to reveal who this mysterious "new human character" is - she is still a part of the PTwP story I want to fully tell (because there are loose ends I wish to tie-up) and while she isn't in-game right now, or really in ANYTHING- she's still a character I'm going to use for... something, someday. You'll see.
Say hi to June!

Actual post-Percy updates soon! I think! I don't know! Try asking a trusted adult, maybe?