2 months ago

I thought of what Hello Neighbor would've been like if I made it.
(Read Article)

The Story:
You were just evicted from your own house. You need to find a new place to live. Luckily, you find a town called Raven Brooks, so you pack your stuff and start driving. But...something bad happens. While driving, a white beam crashes into your car, you are taken by surprise and you crash your car. Luckily, a resident of Raven Brooks calls the paramedics, and your life was saved. When you move in, you decided to meet your neighbor that saved your life. His name is Theodore, and he greets you into his house. However, you notice he has a boarded up door. When you question him about the door, he snaps and knocks you out. When you wake up outside his lawn, you don't feel scared, well you do a little, but you mostly feel curious. You need to find out what he is hiding behind that door.
The Lore:
Theodore was a very successful man, he got a degree in engineering and designed rides for the famous Golden Apple Amusement Park. One day, he was at a coffee shop, going to get his usually order. And the funny thing was, the man in front of him ordered the same thing he orders, Theodore pointed it out to the man, and they laughed about it. They decided to sit together in the cafe. The man's name was Jeff, and sadly he was homeless, but Theodore decided to kindly let Jeff live at his house. After a while, Theodore and Jeff fell in love. But then, disaster came. While driving to Golden Apple Amusement Park to build more rides, Theodore fell asleep at the wheel, and he crashed. Theodore survived, Jeff wasn't so lucky though, he had sadly passed. Theodore was terribly depressed. He can't believe he would fall asleep at the wheel and lead Jeff to his demise. And things got worse for Theodore. A ride at Golden Apple Amusement Park, The Rotten Core, derailed, killing a girl named Lucy Yi. The Yi family sued Theodore, but the court dropped the case, due to the accident not being the Theodore's fault, but the company's laziness. Theodore was so damaged beyond repair. And one day, he decided to contact Jeff, by selling his soul to the devil. Jeff's ghost now lived with Theodore, but not all things were well. At one point, he saw angels fall from the sky, and he knew why, because the devil told him he had to kill a few angles to make the deal possible. So, Theodore put up a road sign to warn people about them. But the police to Theodore to take the sign down due to it scaring residents. But Theodore was just happy Jeff was back.
The Gameplay:
The game has 2 acts. The house takes many things from different versions of the game. The outside of the house looks like the Early Prototype and Prototype, and the inside looks like the Pre-Alpha. The game takes place during winter, meaning outside it is snowing. The player can use many distractions methods like the stereo system, TVs, radios, lawnmowers, the car alarm, and many other things. The gameplay length is around 45 - 50 minutes long. I haven't really thought of much for the gameplay, so if you have questions in the comments, hopefully I can fill in some blanks.

So uh yeah, that's my own take on Hello Neighbor. Tell me what ya think in the comments.



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We're giving out War Thunder starter pack keys!

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