9 months ago

I’ve always wanted there to be a sort of support hero that’s a junker in overwatch because the junkers are really interesting to me

this is a concept of one and her name is buster


Name: Calli nullson

Age: 25

height: 5’0

nationality: Australian

affiliation: junkertown

buster is know as the crazy hoarder of junkertown she was a ton of scrap that she either uses to make weapons and other shit or she just hoards it

shes a weaponsmith and made her buster sword from various scrap she’s hoarded and she’s made weapons for various junkers including the queen

she hates junkrat because he stole all of half of her scrap and wants to hunt him down to get it back

her buster sword can heal people from it opening up and shooting healing aids at people she can also throw them to her allies to heal them (I’m thinking of giving her a device on her back that can shoot out heals but idk yet I might just make her a dps hero)



Next up

It would be so funny if all my favourite characters were just running in my head replacing the emotions from inside out because it would end in tears and blood

I need this artstyle to come back or Im skateboarding off a cliff

Nene in sonic riders

decided to go out of my comfort zone and draw something i dont usually draw :3

hope you like it!


You ever just wanna stay up past your bedtime for a little bit to finsih off a part of your artwork but then you hear sounds and get scared it’s someone about to come in your room even though no one checks if I’m actually asleep anymore cause I’m not five


i gave myself a 2 hour limit for this one and i think it turned out pretty decent :3

I hate doing revision

I should learn to stop being so insecure of what people think of me

loser (reposted from twitter)

The sonic brain rot/j has taken over my page in YouTube it’s so much sonic