If it wasn’t already obvious, I haven’t been posting updates or working on the game and the simple reason why is because i’ve been busy. I’ve had school while I was making this game and I got out about 2 weeks ago. Then you might ask “Then why aren’t you working on it?” Your answer is simple, my laptop that I was working on was replaced and all of my progress with it. So, I don’t know if i’m going to do anything with this game so, don’t get your hopes up for a good game to play. I could possibly think about it, then I might put up screenshots or videos but, for right now, this is pretty much a lost cause.
I’m thinking about it but, I have to get the program back. Even if I do, I’m still busy with some other things over summer break.
If you have a suggestion for a program that I could make a game with please let me know, I will get to work right away!