Well, The main threat of this mode is Modern Chuck and Helen. About Bear he is a minor threat. Because when I tested him for the best way to encounter him is you gotta flash your light for about 1.5 sec and then leave him for 5 sec then do that again until he is disabled. Once he is disabled he will take approximately 30 seconds to stand up again. As I said at the beginning he is not a big threat compare to Helen and Modern Chuck.
Modern Chuck. It is very hard to close the gate after spamming your light for the bear. While your fingers are spamming lights then Modern Chuck appeared you have to switch your fingers from spamming to hold your mouse really fast. So In order to be more professional at that, it requires some practice. Here is my recommendation Try to practice spam light then Close the gate immediately after flashing your light. this will helps you to deal with the bear and Modern Chuck better. Another thing, while you closing the gate if u accidentally released the gate you always die to Modern Chuck if he was there or was coming. That's total bs.
Helen. Helen somehow becomes more aggressive in this night. Which makes this a lot harder than it should be. she attacks more often than she was in Nightmare Mode. Maybe these tips will help you.
1.Try to listen for her noise but don't look back to the bear all the time because if Modern Chuck comes then U are gonna die to Helen instead. she will only enter the office while you look toward the gate
2.Idk anymore I hadn't beaten this mode yet. My best run is 2:30
Sorry guys I couldn't think of any tips and tricks anymore. this particular mode was harder than I thought it would be. I can't imagine myself beating 10/20 mode. Sorry for the bad English. Thanks for reading tho.