2 years ago

I've been (trying to) do a Shadebeast colony in Rimworld, and have made lore along the way.

This is what i've made up so far, all canon

Shadebeasts rarely form a pack, but they do out of safety or similar interests.

Despite what you may think (and the "beast" in their name), Shadebeasts are quite intelligent and actually have a higher capacity for knowledge than humans.

Shadebeasts, being shadow and all, are semi-sensitive to sunlight. They won't die from it, but they tend to get "sunburnt" easily.

While they can wear clothes, it is restricting to them.

They can eat meat. any meat.
Along side that, they get hungrier more often.

They do not need sleep.

They are immune to poisonous/toxic things, some even are enhanced by it, although this is a rare trait.

They do not (visually) age.

They prefer cold, to the point they seem to thrive in it.

While still feeling pain, they can survive heavy blows.
(trust me, Shade got hit by a train once, and only had a bruise and a pissy mood for the rest of the week)

The ones who adopt "human forms" tend to like their hair short to medium, with a body type of moderate to slim, though a few have "bulky" bodies.

This is all i have for now,



Next up

This is the lineup for Demo Drive 2!

Second image is the Demo Drive thumbnail!

Funi lizard


i'll see you in april then

peikusona redesign (old design in 2nd image)

Oh hey phone's charged so here have this

#GJasks id honestly like to see a jaz lore and peiku crossover anyways here is my peikusona while im talking about it-

Can't have a simple hangout spot can ya?

I had a vision


A REMAKE OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE "Adventures of Jerry the Slime" COMIC!

(Deemed "Jerry the Slem")

wait it can recommend your own videos