Fazbear Revived 2: Reunion (Official)
9 years ago

I've Given Up

No, this isn’t any April Fools Day shit, I seriously mean it here, I’ve given up hope on this damn game.

I know that some of you people might be thinking to yourself, “But ERich935, I really enjoyed this game! Why would you be giving up on this game so soon? What about Fazbear Revived 3? Isn’t that happening?” I never said that Fazbear Revived 3 was happening. I only said that if Fazbear Revived 2 received a more positive reception than the first game after a few months, then I would CONSIDER making a sequel. And to be honest folks, the game just hasn’t been doing to well. Compared to the first game, Fazbear Revived 2 has actually done worse than the first game. Sure the game as of now has a total of 7,000 views, but only 4,000 of those views came after the game came out. Do you see the problem here? Fazbear Revived 2 actually did a lot worse than the first one, and I don’t understand why. I had the game bug tested, and I only had to update the game twice, and now it’s in a more stable shape. I implemented features that I’ve had an interest into, such as branching paths in the minigames (Unless you all weren’t aware of that..?), not to mention I made all the animations in the jumpscares a lot better and slower so you all could have a better chance to see what was attacking as well as making them more scary, rather than just a quick, surprising jumpscare that does nothing else. I just don’t understand, I did everything I could to try and make this game better, but no one seems to care. And you know the sad thing about this all is? Fazbear Revived 1 actually is gaining most of the attention, and it has a total of 20,000 views. Not to mention there’s only been 2 videos for the 2nd game within the last 3 months. Honestly, what was it that I was missing? I just don’t understand. Did people like the first game’s style more than the first? Did they enjoy the way the gameplay was in that one? I can’t understand, and honestly I’ve lost hope on it.

But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from this all, is that I shouldn’t give up hope on anything just like that. So I’ve going to do something. I’m going to give this game a month to redeem itself. I’m going to wait a month to see what happens with this game, whether it gains more views, whether someone decides to play it, anything. I just want to know what I did wrong here, or just understand why people aren’t playing this game more than it’s predecessor. If anything changes, then I’ll possible consider the possibility of a Fazbear Revived 3… but not until later this year or early next year. I want to spend this year working on animations, something I’ve been wanting to give back to my channel for a long time. Seriously, there’s so much I need to catch up on, as well as Let’s Plays. So for now, I leave this game to rest, so that I may see it’s result in a month’s time. If there’s anything that you found interesting, confusing, good, bad, or anything else about this game, please put it on the comments section of the page, or even this news article. I will do my best to try and solve whatever problems there are with this game in the near future, maybe even improve upon it if I make a Fazbear Revived 3 (Which I should say now, if it does happen, it will be the last FNaF Fan game I ever make.). If nothing changes though, then I give up. I give up for good, and I’ll focus on my own ideas from then on out. I hope that at least they’ll get more attention than these two games, but hell it’s FNaF, so what’s there to expect.

That’s all folks, thank you for your understanding, and have a good night.

ERich935 out.

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