4 years ago

I've got bad news... Right now the school schedule has changed and made it heavier than last time... And yeah... Apparently I might have to slow down the progress of this game... (Also I'm starting to have saving problems...)

So yeah... Sorry about that.



Next up

Hey, everybody.

Apparently, the SMOLDLESS.exe demo is gonna be released today. However don't expect that I would give to some people a special demo because I didn't want anyone to beg me to get the special demo. So yeah...

Apperently I've ended up trying to reanimate the STAR WARS: The Hoyas Strike Back but with FNF characters.... Then again so far I've done the beginning part. Although it's still a W.I.P. So yeah there's this clip that I've did.

Doing something funky...

Early access is finally out!:

Hopefully you guys enjoy it.

Yesterday I've at one point made a Mania-equse animation of the Sonic 1 Title Screen... However I've not mania-ify the graphics as of yet but this is for something to practice with smooth animating.

I might release a beta pretty much soon (if it's possible). So here's something that I've did on the intro.

Stay Scaled for the release.

Finally @luigikidgaming and @LiNX_4 played my game. However I forgot to announce this about the two youtubers playing my game.

But don't worry I've been trying to make a better version of the demo. Here's a little preview of the title screen.

New logo for my MLP Dragons mod for FNF.

What do you guys think?

Minecraft Steve in Evoland II...

The better demo is almost complete soon to be released. So in the meantime here's the comparison of the Young Six and their Creepypasta forms. So yeah...