18 hours ago

I've saved myself from being fucked up on math this year finally (Article also)

So, I've got 2/F on a math final TEST in this month, and today I've just made it to a 3/D! Now i won't have my phone taken away, and worse, getting in other school

(Ik that you probably don't care lol)

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Next up

Tried to draw background..

[It was a nightmare]

Title Screens For The Classes!

(Miner and Medic)

Found my first try to make """"Undertale"""" Like game, it's from 2023, as far as i remember 😭

Random render I made

Another art i made because i was bored,,


Find 10 differences

[@SkyGlide5 and @MarkShbilmi (Or just Mark) Fanart]

Mock Healthclinic and Cheddar Mattress

Definitely not a spoiler

An New Year Art for our game with Pyps, Karnisha and others, which I've been saying about before