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I've show the complete game in gamerome event, i'm very happy for the people had a fun❤
Now i work on on-line score 👍
the demo 1.1.0 is available, this demo is complete and you can play the first two missions and interact with the city of robots.
In this video i want show some Jet interaction in city hub with other characters
the game is complete for gamerome event nexr week 14 and 15 November.
Available a soon full version
For the next event , a awesome artist Pink AiChan have made me a awesome chibi character for the full game, Thank you a tons
Fusion wip 2p versus boss❤
Available demo version 2.0.0 , in this build is same for event GameRome, you have full single player Normal Mode.
I hope like it, the full version is available a soon for 2.99 Euro
New release 3.0.2 available , enjoy with ZETA and OMEGA and fight for the best zeta wave player in top ten ❤💪
This is some feature for the boss fight and city interaction in next demo coming soon
Official song "Thunder Clash" from my anime game ⚡JET-Aicko ⚡
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