Engraved Establishment

4 months ago

I've written down some critiques and some ideas I've gotten about the game for a potential full release. I'll likely talk about future plans in the coming days to announce some stuff I would like to do.

I would also like to apologize if the tower defense section was not to anyone's liking. Especially with the demo only having one enemy type, so I'm planning to bring more to the table with the tower defense moving forward with the game.



Next up

A very needed change was the Shop UI as, in the long-term, it wasn't viable to keep the same UI as Pizza Sim due to how tedious it was finding items. You can also change the max values of objects into your save file.

Here's what the View Mode of the Tycoon looks like now.

Many people wanted the ability to hide the UI as well as take screenshots in-game. You can also open the file location of the screenshots and are separated by the name of your pizzeria!


Next month is when I can say I've been making Engraved Establishment for about a year now.

Here's the visual improvements over time for the builder/tycoon part of the game. From the first footage shown to Demo 1 footage to recent footage.

Also for people wondering, I did make Control Settings for you to change the inputs of the game to buttons on your keyboard or mouse.

Many people were having issues where they couldn't get inputs to work (I think it's cause of unicode key inputs)

The Engraved Establishment Demo is coming on November 2, 2024!

For REGLITCHED people, Merry Christmas.

Characters designed by @Ayliminum

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.

I've finally finished up redoing the main Night (Tower Def.) UI, as a lot of people had problems reading things wrong or didn't understand the generators.

Currently WIP of the Tycoon Section UI so far (View Mode not worked on yet).

Biggest thing that needed improvement was having the user actually use other draw options and have better ways to find all the items, decor, and animatronics in one mode.