28 days ago

I wanna make an FNF concept of this man so bad

If you know who this dude is, you're based

One of the coolest anime villains imo

This is just a simple sketch, cuz I currently can't really make a whole ass concept



Next up

Your boy artist that can't do music is at it again

Trying to improve the original Calamity song, if you even remember me posting it

Here's current result on the instrumental

No idea what is the lore of the Shucks song, but it is a really cool one, so here's a cover

I also sang that little part of the song with different lyrics, so don't die of cringe over my stupid ass voice under Calamity effects

Also, imagine like

All the sins are imagined in media to have colours associated with them often, right?

This haircut is much closer to what I have irl, which is why I chose it for this little redesign

And it will look cooler for the Calamity and Absolute designs

Memoir Funkin' Chapter 1: Desperare Compulsus - Calamity

Tried to improve the song, while having it being generally same

Guess you could call it a V2, idk

Now from sounding weird, it sounds at least as something decent

Fakebaby has to be my fav song in the Hit Single mod, so here's the Calamity cover (as I always do with songs I like lmfao)

Changed some of the effects on the chromatic, now it doesn't sound as ear-piercing as it could before

Slight OC redesign sketch

I'm mentally insane

My drawing skills must be taken away

Full shading of the thing now

Will become the new sprite version for sure

Yay, remastering the same sprite for 4934th time

Just a quick nostalgia post

This is a really REALLY old art of my OC's

This is a really old design of my main OC

Came a long way, huh?