1 year ago

i wannad to doodle stuff and so i did, here is pretty much the second round of drawing 10 of my community members

i didn't think i would do this again but eh i did lul hope you like my silly doodles



Next up

I think I just figured out that I really wanna make more outfit designs ^^"

That's why I'm redesigning Jessy Mils and am now Designing a Dress for Marliria Tsuru ^^"

I'm Probably gonna leave them as designs tho ^^" and maybe a bit of practice lul

Btw I forgot to mention!

The fish don't have to be a living being. I do prefer if it is but for what I'm planning on using them it would even make more sense if they are not ^^

Just to let y'all know

Good thing I didn't start with the Hedgehog XD

God damn I didn't expect that, cool ^^

commit kitty crimes


so much water lately, I hope you like it

Again posting the #background first before the actual drawing so everyone can appreciate it ^^

I must say I like both versions, even so one is less colorful and more like the Reference picture

#Water #Pond #Trees

Remember when I wrote that I repotted pot5 a bit shirtless, yeah that's me lul XD only wearing my sports bra because I'm in my garden meaning I can do what I want. If I want to walk around butt free I'm free to do so lul (I'm german)

A doodle I draw while camping, I added some stuff to it this week so I hope this still count ^^"

#ArtWeeklies Storm

I just kind of noticed that this drawing fits this theme every well since I drew is as a picture of nature and fear of the storm

Fighting others is so much fun

Guess who I'm reworking!

The heads a little wonky but I think I can make it work, I probably should have also made the butt a little bigger ^^" you see her body is EVERY Modified, and none the less I gave her a belly lul