Five Nights at Wario's Beneath the STETHOSCOPE
4 months ago

I want to redeem myself after that semi-failure of the DLC. So I just released CHAPTER 1 of Bequeath. Check it out!



Next up


Can you guess what FNaW gameplay is Chapter 2 going to be like?

16th of April marks the release date of the game.

My most ambitious work yet.

Sneak peek 2!

As I said before, there is a day segment AND a night segment...

Sneak peek 1!

There is a day segment and a night segment...

THE DLC (THE TERRAIN BENEATH) HAS BEEN FINISHED AND RELEASED! Enjoy this little side dish while I prepare the main course for you...

Made a change to the thumbnail because the old one was too bright and cartoony.

If you played Swords and Sandals Immortals (or any SaS games), you might be surprised to see that this game was inspired by it (the later chapter).

CHAPTER 1 HAS BEEN COMPLETED, and guess what, YOU GUYS GET TO PLAY CHAPTER 1. (thoroughly checked, no bugs (please for the love of god)) CHAPTER 1 has been released since this post was uploaded (under the name of v0.1.0)