Friday Night Funkin v.s MaximMine & Best Friends V6 - PART ONE
3 years ago

I wanted the third version to be the last, so I could start other projects (revenge of herobrin, for example). But I decided to release DLC for fashion. And it will be released soon. :)



Next up

something is the dark...

coming soon...

Project B 2024 What's new? - New covers - Custom engine - Pinkwave [Deluxe] - Day Out [Deluxe]

For the first time in 2 years, I decided to change my avatar after all

Congratulations! For 3 whole days we tried to port the game to Android. And so it happened. Now you can play our game on Android.

Вы готовы?

Ребята!! Всё почти готово. Остались мельчайшие детали и строки кода и в скором времени вы увидите обнову мода!! Наберитесь терпения!
