hidden place zone in Sonic 2
5 years ago

I was going to extend it but every time i try to go through the level i die where the water falls appear but the sprites are messed up and when i try to get passed them i DIE and i checked my Original non modified version of this hack

And i got to the same place and guess what I DIDN'T DIE i think i have to modify sonic 3 level before i port the level i think but sonic 3 and knuckles is so broken so i dont think i will be able to extend the level or make the hack better



Next up

Check out my latest level right now called: payload GDW 2 MIUM

All of my levels are NA for now i will update when one of them is not NA.

Username: ZriseOutBlow

I think its me but i think i can make a whole good level out of these icons.


I went in without getting the master emblem true but kinda not.


Dynamic Trouble.

but, REALLY i requested harder even though i should of request demon. No it isn't that hard its just 19% less harder than another level i have called Power World.

I completed Dark Green Hard! BUT THE GAME CRASHED AND ITS ON 97%

"i didn't know where to put this"

Sonic 1 iceberg (again) its my iceberg im working on another.

Now here are the community icons so far from when i first came here and to now.

Why does it say F- SEGA?

(I didn't know where to put this so i put it in random)