Friday Night Funkin' Human Imposter Reimagined + Vs Impostor V5 but Human spin-off

6 months ago

I was looking for some icons from the Human Impostor Reimagined mod, and I found this. It's a concept of Cval. I never shown it to the Internet except for the wiki page



Next up

We need some remixers for the Vs Human Impostor Reimagined mod. If you want, you can upload your work for the ad or send me a friend request. But what is Vs Human Impostor Reimagined?

Help Wanted for a mod called Vs Impostor V5 but human. Dm me jesusfanthecrewmate on Discord or if you use GameJolt, @Jesusfan (remove the space when you look for me on GameJolt) Well, hope to see you there.

Top 5 by @BlackimposterReal

Me but Im a parasite!

Pixel stuff

Im officially now doing voice acting commissions!…

Friday Night Funkin'.

Yay! WIP page for the mod is on Gamebanana!

Also, a sprite teaser

Its official! We're using the Pokemon version of Toby Fox

Naisonji !

Me but Human