FNF Platinum Bomb Edition (DEMO)
2 years ago

I will be leaving the Platinum Bomb team as a composer, though my work will stay.

As to why, it's just because I've been working on too many mods, which can stress me out.

read article for more

Note, that I will still make minor contributions such as occasional art, though I will no longer be making music for the mod. I will also still chart as well, just for the sake of this mod getting any closer to updating.

Don't expect much more out of me for this mod, though.



Next up

Hey guys I have news!!!

the mod will have an update!!! sorry for the delay in announcing but my mod development group is almost dead, of course there are some who are still helping to keep the mod alive, and I thank you all very much ^^

artwork for innobisphobia 4 encore v2 visualizer jumpscare

spoiler for the next image that I'm going to put on the shirt that I'm going to make

drawings made by @KoolaJAI

weed edition is now 1

also screenshot of a work in progress

Hey, guys

I'm announcing my new drawing community :D :D :D

Icon and banner art by @KoolaJAI

PURGE idle pose (this mod isnt dead lmao)

v2 is now (actually) out


heres the braindead credits to those who helped make the update possible


before i cease to exist here for the next few days for no particular reason heres a