I will need people to help make the series for my OCs
Things for ALL people who will help:
I will NOT pay you, you will have to be willing to do this for free
Cooperative, these are my OCs, and I have lore for them, yes, you can have ideas and bring them up to me, just DON'T start asking me to change smth that I have set in stone cuz u don't like it, I will not change it
Must be 12 or older
This is gonna be an ADULT show, cursing, gore, etc, so be sure your fine with that
Can work in teams
We probably won't start work on this until in a year or so, so yeah
DO NOT leak anything without my permission, if you do, you will get kicked from the team, and probably blocked
DO NOT harass others on the team, just don't
DO NOT complain about the lore or smth, this I my lore, you can make suggestions, but there is little chance of them being used
DO be nice, motivate others, and be sure to get your stuff done
DO communicate any problems or issues with me, and plz DONT ghost, just don't
Roles needed:
I will be doing the script writing myself, sry for saying that late
2d Animators (OPEN 0/8)
Needs to know how to animate, and how to do it GOOD (it'll be a few years until we start animating, you'll have time to practice)
Needs to know how to draw perfectly in my art style, it's pretty simple

There have been some changes, such as how the hands are drawn, I will get a updated picture in a future edit of this post
Music creators (OPEN 0/3)
Needs to be skilled at making music able to make OSTs, music lyrics can be put over, etc
(I know that @/Chiquiti-7 would want to do this, but he's working on so much other stuff for me, and idk if what he does is exactly what I'm looking for for this one, and I also want to see other peoples talent, so sry Chiquiti, but I won't give this to you)
I know that most of you came here to be voice actors, but I will call for actors AFTER at least the first episode script is done
If you are willing to do any of these (except voice acting, that's for later) ask in the comments and we'll go from there