i worked soooooo hard to make this fan club and hoping that alot of people join this fan club i worked soooo hard i edited so many times and now its finish even though my hands hurt soooo bad please join!
Next up
(draw part 1)
i drew this hardly really hardly!
i love foxes too
who loves cooky?
fotato? foxato? potfoxato? hehehehe!
my logo when ill be 15 i will keep this as my youtube channels logo
i made this logo all by my self it actually was really hard i used some images to make this hope you like it cooky fans!
hehhehhehhhehhhehehehheheheh #CARROTSAREOURFRIENDEMY 😈
i made this song of words for cute_potato212 potatos are the best carrots are the meanest carrots are the enemy of potatos are the best and will still be the besttttt. #cute_potato212